Nursing homework help

Based on assigned readings please answer the following questions.

1 a. Why should we study communication?

b. Why is it important to be an assertive nurse?

2. Would you see yourself an assertive nurse?  If No, what are some barriers ? if Yes, where did you learn this skill ?

3. Describe and give an example from your practice of the following:

a)    Assertive communication

b)    Nonassertive communication

c)     and aggressive communication

4.  How do you currently manage your reactions to patient behaviors currently?

Postings should be a minimum of  250 words, spellchecked, and succinct in grammar and completed by Wednesday 11:59pm with response to two peers by Sunday 11:59pm.  Discussions require a APA reference at the end of your posting unless stated in the discussion instructions for the week.

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