Reading homework help

After reading the poem “United Fruit Company” by Pablo Neruda ( page), answer the following prompt in a focused response:

  • How does the poem connect to what you have learned so far, and how might it be considered a medium of protest for the poet and Latin Americans in general?
  • Provide examples from the poem to back up your point and connect the poet’s sentiments to what you have learned in this module. You can draw on previous modules too. Be specific!

Warning: There are plenty of online summaries and analyses about the poem, but please uphold academic integrity and do your own work. I am much more interested in YOUR ideas and perceptions than what sites like Schmoop, Cliff Notes, SparkNotes, etc. have to say. When it comes to studying literature, there is no wrong answer (unless you completely misunderstand something). Try your best!

Submit a well-composed response by writing


  1. Produce a substantial response to the given prompt (about 200 words – remember, your post should be detailed and specific enough to demonstrate that you have a thorough understanding of the learning materials, but there’s no need to write an ess..
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